Update Details Tab

How to update a clinic's details or add a new HCP to a clinic

  • Log-in to RxTro 
  • Click Update Details - to update a practices details 
  • Select what type of change you wish to make - Update an existing clinic's details OR add a New clinic 

Clinic updates


  • If you are adding a HCP to a clinic, you will need to look up and include their AHPRA number - https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Registers-of-Practitioners.aspx

Details of Practicioner

  • After searching, scroll the list until you find your HCP 

  • You will need to include their Registration Number (AHPRA) when adding them to a clinic 

This is to ensure they are a registered HPC. If you are unable to find them, they may not have the necessary registration needed.