1. Training Academy
  2. Representative Support
  3. Territory Planning and Appointments

How do I optimise my notifications?

This article will show you how to set-up your notifications by individual clinic.

This feature is a RxTro Enterprise  feature only.

Once you have logged in -

  1. Click My Territory and New Appointments
  2. Scroll to the section 'Clinics that are currently part of my territory'
  3. Next to an individual clinic, click Actions and then Edit Notifications
  4. You have the option of selecting either all, none or any combination of Email Notification, Push Notification or Daily Email Summary.
    1. The Daily Email Summary is a 3pm Email that is generated that gives you a list of appointments available on your territory for the next day.

Please Note: To receive push notifications, you must have the RxTro App installed on your iOS device (iPad or iPhone). For instructions, please click here.